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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 30 - July 29, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking a consulting firm qualified in Category 231 Traffic Control Analysis and Design for the project listed below. A PDF (2Mb maximum size) of the interest response must be emailed to Interest and experience responses are limited to four pages, the subject line of the reply email and the PDF file name must read “Work Zone Safety_FIRM NAME.” The Letter of Interest (LOI) is required and must be received by 12:00 p.m. August 6, 2021, for the consulting firm to be considered. If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT a LOI may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified for each specified category listed in this notice for the project. Firms may use the KDOT prequalification form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Prequalification category definitions (Blue Book) can be found at All firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must comply with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations.


KDOT seeks to hire a consultant to develop the 2020-2021 Work Zone Safety and Mobility Process Review document to be submitted to FHWA by December 2021. KDOT also wants the consultant to update the 2008 Work Zone Safety and Mobility Processes and Procedures document to be completed by April 2022.

2020/2021 Work Zone Safety and Mobility Process Review Document

  • Develop the document to be submitted to FHWA by December 17, 2021
  • Will need to interact with district/metro staff for information
  • Will need to have meetings with district/metro staff
  • May need to take part of field reviews
  • Will need to meet with staff in the Bureau of Traffic Engineering and FHWA to review past work zone process reviews and recommendations

Update current Work Zone Safety and Mobility Processes and Procedures Document

  • Update current document which is a 2008 version/edition
  • Will need to meet with various entities within KDOT to understand current work zone goals and determine future roles, objectives, and responsibilities for the agency
  • Review current practices related to significant projects and transportation management plans
  • Document to be developed by April 2022

Instructions for LOI

The main text of the consultant’s LOI must not exceed four (4) pages to address the topics listed below. LOIs shall address and include the following items:

  • Project manager/engineer in charge
  • Provide name(s), qualifications, education, training, and expertise as well as prior relevant experience of consultant personnel intended to perform Services

Qualifications-Based Selection Process

No cost or pricing information shall be submitted with the LOI and will not be considered in the selection process to shortlist or rank proposals. Based on the qualifications submitted in the LOI and other information available, on or about August 19, 2021, KDOT will shortlist three to five firms and notify all firms submitting LOIs of the names of the shortlisted firms by return email. Thereafter, KDOT will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the shortlisted firms soliciting a technical proposal. At KDOT’s option, shortlisted firms may be interviewed by telephone conference call or asked to attend meetings or participate in other discussions with KDOT. Technical proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the factors listed below, evenly weighted, to rank the most qualified firm in order of preference as first, second and third: 1) quality of the response; 2) experience and expertise of staff designated for project; 3) workload of the firm; and 4) past performance history. The highest ranked firm will be asked to enter into negotiations with KDOT for a contract, with compensation provisions for payment of actual direct costs plus fixed fee, subject to an upper limit of compensation. In the event KDOT cannot reach agreement with the highest ranked firm, it will terminate negotiations with such firm and commence negotiations with the next highest ranked firm, and so on, until either agreement is reached for a satisfactory scope of services for a fair and reasonable price, or KDOT decides to pursue other alternatives.

The firm’s accounting systems must have the following capabilities before the firm may be awarded a contract:

  • Valid, reliable, and current costs must be available within the system to support actual costs and pricing data
  • Capability to provide a means of measuring the reasonableness of incurred costs
  • Capability to identify and accumulate allowable costs by contract or project records which will reconcile with the general ledger
  • Ability to provide supporting documentation of actual expenditures for each billing, based on costs

Questions can be submitted at

Calvin E. Reed, P.E. Director
Division of Engineering and Design

Doc. No. 049311